Author = Alizade Aghdam, Mohammed Bagher
The Relationships of Communication Action and Social Capital with Lying Tendencies among Students

Volume 33, Issue 1, April 2022, Pages 63-82


Roghayhe Velayati; Davood Ebrahimpoor; Mohammadbagher Alizadehaghdam; Mohammad Abbaszadeh

Ecological citizenship and spiritual Intelligence (The Case of Tabriz Citizens)

Volume 28, Issue 3, May 2017, Pages 79-98


Mohammad-Bagher Alizadeh Aghdam; Hossein Banifatemeh; Mohammad Abbaszadeh; Saeed Soltani Bahram

Health and its Social Determinants: A Study on Health Inequalities among Tabriz Citizens

Volume 25, Issue 4, November 2014, Pages 73-89

Bahman Abdi; Hossein Benifatemeh; Jafar Shahamfar; Mohammed Bagher Alizade Aghdam; Hossein Benifatemeh

A Sociological Study or the Effect of Western Values and Mass Media on Body Image (The Case of 15-and-above Years Old Women in Tabriz)

Volume 25, Issue 1, April 2014, Pages 85-100

Nayyer Mohammadpour; Rana pour mohammad; MohammadBagher AlizadehAghdam; mohammad Abbaszadeh

A Study of Hope in the Future among Students and its Affecting Factors

Volume 23, Issue 4, February 2013, Pages 189-206

Mohammad Bagher Alizadeh Aghdam

Trust on Executive Administrations and their Effective Factors

Volume 22, Issue 1, April 2011, Pages 83-106

M Abbaszadeh; Mohammadbagher Alizadehaghdam; R Eslami