Author = Mohammadpur, A.
The Effect of Environmental-Individual Factors on Commitment to Marriage Traditions (The Case of Rural and Urban Students of Sanandaj Universities)

Volume 25, Issue 1, April 2014, Pages 159-174

Abobekr Shariatpanah; Mahdi Alizadeh; Jalil Karimi; Ahmad Mohammadpour

Investigating Emotional Orientation of Two Generations toward Parents and its Socioeconomic Determinants

Volume 24, Issue 3, August 2013, Pages 97-114

Hossein Ghodrati; Hossein Afraciabi; Ahmad Mohammadpur; Ali Yarahmadi

A Qualitative Study of Border Marketplaces and their Impacts on Continuation of Smuggling

Volume 24, Issue 3, August 2013, Pages 175-194

OMID GHADERZADEH; Ahmad Mohammadpur; Omid Ghaderi

Social Capital and its Impact on Economic Development in Hamden Province

Volume 21, Issue 4, February 2011, Pages 177-194

Asadollah Naghdi; A. Mohammadpur; Ali Souri

Mixed Methods Research as Third Methodological Movement: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Procedures

Volume 21, Issue 2, July 2010, Pages 77-100

Ahmad Mohammadpour; Rasoul Sadeghi; Mehdi Rezaei