Author = Masoudnia, Hossein
Exploring the Effects of Religiosity and Social Capital on the Political Satisfaction of the Citizens of Isfahan

Volume 32, Issue 3, October 2021, Pages 27-54


Hajar Sadeghian; Hossein Masoudnia; Hamid Nassaj; Mahmoodreza Rahbargazi

A Study on the Relationship between the vindication of civil rights and Kind of political participation, Case Study: Isfahan city

Volume 28, Issue 2, January 2017, Pages 147-162


Nejat Mohammadifar; Amirmasud Shahramnia; Hossein Masoudnia; Abbas Hatami

Investigating the Role of Identity Styles in Explaining National Identity (Case Study: Students of the University of Isfahan)

Volume 27, Issue 2, September 2016, Pages 43-60


Raziye MEHRABI Koushki; Seyed Javad Emamjomehzadeh; Hosein massodnia; Ali Rabani

A Study of the Social and Psychological Factors Affecting Political Participation among University Professors: research subject: University of Isfahan

Volume 23, Issue 4, February 2013, Pages 103-124

Hossein Masoudnia; Nejat Mohammadifar; Golmorad Moradi; Atefeh Foroughi