Author = Moradi, Golmorad
Study of the Effects of Relative Deprivation and Social Panic on Acculturation Stresses of Immigrants in Tabbas

Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2017, Pages 113-130


Daryoush Boostani; Ali Moradi; Mohammadreza Hematifar

The Survey of the Effect of Organizational Socialization on Social Responsibility of Employee’s in Kermanshah Oil Company

Volume 24, Issue 3, August 2013, Pages 71-96

Mansour Haghighatian; Seyed Ali Hashemianfar; Golmorad Moradi

A Study of the Social and Psychological Factors Affecting Political Participation among University Professors: research subject: University of Isfahan

Volume 23, Issue 4, February 2013, Pages 103-124

Hossein Masoudnia; Nejat Mohammadifar; Golmorad Moradi; Atefeh Foroughi

The examination of the relation between social responsibility and mental health of the immigrants: the city of Tabbas

Volume 23, Issue 1, June 2012, Pages 149-170

Mohammadreza Hematifar; Golmorad Moradi; Daruosh Boostani; Daruosh Boostani; Golmorad Moradi

The Examination of the Relation between Social Satisfaction

Volume 20, Issue 2, July 2009, Pages 155-174

Moahmmadtaghi Iman; Golmorad Mohammadi; Golmorad Mohammadi