The study of Effective Factors on Addiction Phenomenon in the City of Ahwaz

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, shahid Chamran University

2 Associated professor, Department of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University

3 Accademic member, Department of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University

4 M.A. of Sociology


    The aim of this article is to study the social effective factors on addiction phenomenon, this research  is a case study in nature. The population of study consisted 135 self- directing addicts from the improvement centers affiliated by Ahwaz welfare center (behzisti). Thus, dependent variable in this research consists four elements; type of opium, quantity , times and method of consumption. Thus, in this research we study the relationship between independent variables ( socio – economic status, age, marital status, relative deprivation, isolation , normlessness,  social association with addicted friends) and addiction intensity as dependent variable.
Findings showed a significant and inverse relation between socio-economic status and addiction intensity (dependent variable). Also result indicated that, there is a meaningful relation between normlessness, isolation, social association with addicted friends and the  dependent variable (addiction intensity). But result showed that, there is no significant relationship between variables such as age, marital status and relative deprivation with addiction intensity.


Main Subjects

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