Explanation of the Relation between Organization Accommodation for Equal


1 M.A. Student University of Isfahan

2 Psychology Department, University of Isfahan

3 Ph.D. Student , University of Isfahan

4 Political Sicence, Islamic Azad University of Shahreza


AbstractCurrent research aim was to determine the organization accommodation for equal Opportunity, internalTension of society for Poverty maintenance, a work ethics and social interest. Research method was surveyvia correlational type and statistical in population include Participants in 9th Presidential selection in Isfahancity (1384). Two stage random sampling method was economics status responsibility position (Feldman,1981), economic individualism inventory (Feldman, 1981), and social interest Questionnaire (Crendal,1969). The most significant findings indicate that there is relation between economic status change withpersonal and social attributions. Also there is significant relation between organization accommodation forequal opportunity and both internal Tension of society for Poverty maintenance and work ethic factors andpersonal and social attributions for economic improvement of subjects. There are significant relationsbetween social interest and social factor of economic improvement, and between organizationaccommodation for equal opportunity and both internal Tension of society for Poverty maintenance.Findings were discussed by two clusters of theorems namely economic self- interest and social- interest.


Main Subjects