An Investigation on Gender Differences in Altruistic Behaviors


Sociology Department, Yasoj University


AbstractBecause of importance of altruism in social relationships and its positive functions on social systems,extended researchs have been conducted in this area. Some of these researchs have investigatedrelationships between gender to the altruism. General and acceptable assumption is that altruistic behaviorsof men and women are different and this difference is due to gender roles. This research has attempted toinvestigate gendered differences in altruistic behaviors concerning gender roles in yasouj city. Researchmethod is cross-sectional survey and statistical society is all of individuals aged 15 through 65 in which 386subjects were selected by means of Random multi ‐ stage sampling. Measurment tool is a questionnaire ,that construct validity through Factor analysis has been used for determination of the validity and thereliability was measured by means of cronbach alpha coefficient. Research findings show gendereddifferences don’t impact on altruistic behaviors. In addition to there is no significant relationship betweengender roles to altruistic behaviors.


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