A study of the application of teaching organization indices in Iranian public universities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 ph. D. student, University of Isfahan

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences University of Isfahan

3 Professor, Department of Psychology University of Isfahan

4 Professor, Deparment of Management, University of Isfahan


The purpose of this article is to survey the amount of application and desirability of teaching organization's indices in public universities of Iran. The paper determines the indices of teaching organization in five domains, teachable point of view, ideas, values, emotional energy and edge. In this study the method is descriptive- survey. The statistical population of this research are all the faculty members of public medical and non medical universities in 1385- 1386. The sample consist of 345 managers and faculty members who were selected through random cluster multi stages sampling, but 315 took part in the research. In order to gather the data, a 74 item researcher made questionnaire on the basis of Tichy's teaching organization theory in the form of Lykert's 5 degree scale with a reliability of 0.87 is used. One sample t test is used to analyze the data. The findings of this research indicates that the mean scores of the subjects about the application of teaching organization indices are all less than the mean of criterion (3) and there is a significant difference between all the means of indices. But the examinees' responses regarding desirability in applying the teaching organization indices in universities with score mean of 4.25 is much more than the mean criterion. The observed t revealed that the differences of means in regarding all indices were significant.


Main Subjects

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