The Study of Social-Economic-Demographic Factors Affecting Satisfaction from Migration to Nourabad

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Department of Sociology, Shiraz University

2 M.A. in Population Studies


Migration is one of the social problems, especially in third world countries, with different consequences. Many studies have been done in Iran concentrating on negative consequences of migration. In spite of taking some actions for reducing migration because of affecting development programs, however, it is going on due to some of its functions. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction of migrants can be one of the indicators to find out positive or negative functions of migration. This study’s aim is to find out how much migrants to Nourabad city in Mamassany District are satisfied with their migration and what is the relationship between this satisfaction with other social, economic and demographic factors. In a survey research on a sample of 258 migrants the correlation of satisfaction with 12 factors (age, marriage, period of residence, distance between departure and destination, education, joining kinship, welcoming migrants, hygienic facilities in destination, educational facilities of destination, accommodation in origin, job in departure, and income) has been analyzed. The relationship between all variables, except age, marriage, and education, with dependent variable has been approved. In multi-variable regression analysis, five variables, including joining kinship, educational facilities, hygienic facilities, income, and welcoming behavior affected dependent variable. These variables represent 59 percent of the variance of the dependent variable.


Main Subjects

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