Relation between Relative Deprivation and Attitude Toward National Identity (Case Sampling: Students of Isfahan University)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of Isfahan

2 Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of Isfahan

3 M.A. in Sociology


In this article, we try scientfically to response that what the relationship is between national identity and relative deprivation? To investigate the relationship, we have survey concept of national identity and have explained the causes of ambiguity in the definition of national identity. In present article, national identity is as a social identity, therefore in the view the spher of community and nation are conformed. Therefore in order to explain of national identity have used the Social Identity Perspective. Social Identity Perspective is conceptualized by Tajfel, and is the individual’s knowledge that he belongs to certain social group stogether with some emotional and value significance to him of this group membership. much of social identity can be seen as an attempt to articulate some of the social psychological processes which are responsible for the genesis and functioning of relative deprivation. Social identity and relative deprivation are interrupted. Then we are explained a integrated perspective, in this paper integrates social identity theory with relative deprivation theory so as to specify the social psychological conditions under which individuals form strong intentions to engage in collective protest actions in order to achieve social change. It is considered that this research has been carried out through a survey using questionnaire distributed among students from Isfahan university in the academic year of 1398-89. In the first stage of the research, stratified sampling and in the second stage, quota sampling were used. Some 490 subjects were selected as the sample. the basic hypothese is that there is relationship the attitude of students to national identity and relative deprivation. The experimental findings confirms the basic hypotheses in the Statistical society and shows that there is inverse correlation and relatively streng between relative deprivation and tendency to national identity.


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