Representation a Model of Organizational Culture Management with Contextual Approach (Case Study: An Industrial Company)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Isfahan

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Management Department, University of Isfahan


The purpose of this article is representation a model of organizational culture in an industrial company with contextual approach in diagnostic of present and desire organizational culture and suggestions about organizational culture change for obtain desire culture. For this purpose, three questions designed and in based on, the model of cultural management represented. For gathering data observation, semi structure interview and researcher designed questionnaire were used.Observation and semi structure interview were used for diagnostic of basic variables of present organizational culture and confirm of initial variables of organizational culture. Questionnaire was used for testing and diagnosing of the initial variables of organizational culture and diagnosing of desired organizational culture. For testing the present and desire organizational culture, 116 people selected with Cochran’s formula as a sample and all questionnaire distributed feed backed. Result obtained showed that there is a gap between present and desire organizational culture that based on, model of organizational culture management designed and represented.


Main Subjects

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