Factors affecting Male-female Friendships among Youth in Shiraz City, With an emphasis on Globalization Process

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Shiraz University

2 M.A. in Sociology


Social relations among people, with different age and sex groups are an important source for sociological studies. To be more specific, studying friendly relationships between the sexes, especially among youth, is of crucial importance in the field of family sociology, marriage. In this study, while reviewing previous research and existing theories on friendly relationships, we developed a theoretical framework, which is based on perspectives of Giddens on globalization and intimacy. The research is quantitative and used survey method to collect data. The sample includes 531 young males and females living in Shiraz, who were selected through multi-stage random sampling. The data was collected through self-report questionnaire.  Our bivariate analysis indicates that using modern information and communication technologies and modern lifestyle are the two independent variables which have the greatest impact on tendency towards friendship with the opposite sex. Also, our multivariate analysis show that friends’ pressure, degree of religiosity (as a lifestyle), using modern information and communication technologies, and family pressure, taken together, explain 36% of the variance of dependent variable.


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