Personal and Social Responsibility, Altruism and Social Trust: A Study of Adolescents in Shiraz

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Research Behavioral Sciences, University Jihad Persian


This article examines the relationship between personal and social responsibility, social trust and altruism among adolescents (aged 15-19 ) who live in Shiraz. The sample includes 391 respondants. Variables had been constructed and verified by face validity and Cronbach’s alpha determined reliability. Personal and social responsibility, each with alphas of 0.71 and 0.72 , respectively, were measured. The results of the study show that personal responsibility has significant and positive relationships with social trust (r=0.332), trust in social groups and institutions (r=0.226) and altruism (r=0.204). However, social responsibility is in a reverse relationship with social trust (r=-0.304) and does not have a significant relationship with altruism. Social trust is related to altruism in a significant and positive relationship (r=0.224). In general, these three important variables are related to and strengthen each other. Therefore, increasing of public trust should be considered seriously so that altruistic behavior – that can guarantee a just society– becomes a routine practice in public culture. Because honesty and oppenness in social relationships can increase social capital, responsibility and trustful behavior,  more efferts should be made to firm moral virtues in society.


Main Subjects

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